Become a Therapy Fund Sponsor

The SJP Wellbeing Therapy Fund is exactly as it sounds, no gimmicks or tricks, just a fund built up by donations like yours for people who fit the application criteria to receive reduced fees or free therapy when they have financial barriers to getting financial support.

About the fund.

 MINDFULNESS GROUPS and the ‘Pay it Forward Loop’ - our mindfulness groups are an ongoing online therapeutic, evidenced-based practice that goes for no more than 30 mins. Perfect for busy, stressed out people.

We run numerous sessions on a rotating weekly timetable, which you can see here. Every booked spot contributes $2 to the Therapy Fund, and every monthly sponsor has access to our mindfulness groups completely FREE, no matter the amount, it’s our way of creating a pay-it-forward loop where everyone benefits.

This fund plays a small part in helping those people when they need it most, and every donation is held in the tally just like you would buy a suspended coffee at a coffee shop to pay it forward to others. 

We accept and are always on the lookout for businesses and sponsorship partnerships that want to provide real-time support to people in their communities. Get in touch below to discuss further. 

Therapy Fund - Pay It Forward once

Therapy Fund - Pay It Forward once

Entered by customer


Make once-off payment here, or become a monthly contributer.

Read about the application criteria to access the fund here.

SJP Wellbeing is not a registered charity, we are a for-profit business providing qualified, quality counselling and psychotherapy for young people, families, and adults. All of our sponsorships that go into the Therapy Fund are distributed to clients (who meet the eligibility criteria) therapy bills.

The way we use the fund depends on how much is in the kitty at the time, and the needs of the clients accessing the fund. This could be reduced costs for a number of sessions, or free for a number of sessions.

For this reason, we do not have hard and fast rules about how many sessions a client has access to, but we will always discuss what can be done, and what to expect BEFORE beginning therapy.

For example, if someone is experiencing addiction and is at risk of relapse without support, but it is discovered that they may be neurodivergent and are in the process of applying for NDIS funding, we may be able to help them until funding is achieved. Or, if a family has escaped domestic violence and is struggling to find work due to trauma and caring for children, we may be able to support them through the stress of finding a home and job, or until other services have kicked in.

Become a Monthly Sponsor

Therapy Fund 5


Pay now

Therapy Fund Sponsor $5 per month

Click through to pay it forward $5 per month direct debited from your account or credit card. You will receive an invoice for your records automatically each month.

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Pay now

Therapy Fund Sponsor $10 per month

Click through to pay it forward $10 per month direct debited from your account or credit card. You will receive an invoice for your records automatically each month.

Therapy Fund Sponsorship $20 Per Month

Click through to pay it forward $20 per month direct debited from your account or credit card. You will receive an invoice for your records automatically each month.

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Pay now

Therapy Fund Sponsorship $50 Per Month

Click through to pay it forward $50 per month direct debited from your account or credit card. You will receive an invoice for your records automatically each month.

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Pay now

Are you a business interested in becoming a corporate sponsor?

We would love to chat. Please fill in the form below!