Boost your team’s wellbeing with our comprehensive EAP

SJP Wellbeing is dedicated to creating healthier work environments through expert counselling, psychotherapy, and coaching.

Our Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are thoughtfully crafted to meet the needs of your small business, offering essential mental health and well-being education that not only empowers your team but also reinforces your operations with a foundation of care and understanding.

Who We Serve:

Our services are designed for dynamic small businesses, particularly in the health and allied health industries. We support individuals, young people, parents, and carers, making our programs ideal for enhancing employee well-being and boosting productivity in a compassionate manner.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

Investing in the well-being of your staff is more than ethical responsibility. It’s a pivotal strategic business move, especially for small allied health businesses. In sectors where emotional and mental resilience is crucial, good EAP’s can address the specific challenges eroding staff morale and leading to burnout. By mitigating these risks, our program significantly reduces costs associated with high staff turnover—an expensive and disruptive issue for any business.

Frequent turnover not only strains resources but also impacts your business's ability to deliver consistent, high-quality care. With our EAP, your team gains access to tools and support that enhance their mental health, and improving their engagement and job satisfaction. This leads to greater consistency in client care and builds a reputation for reliability and excellence in your community.

Moreover, the productivity losses linked to untreated mental health issues can be substantial. Our EAP helps curb these losses by providing timely interventions that maintain or even boost productivity. When staff feel supported, they are more likely to perform well and remain committed to their roles, which stabilizes your workforce and reduces the need for frequent hiring and training of new employees.

Burnout, often referred to as 'job burnout,' represents a severe form of work-related stress characterised by physical and emotional exhaustion that can affect anyone subjected to chronic workplace pressure, irrespective of the industry. This condition is particularly prevalent among healthcare workers, including Allied Health Professionals, who have historically been vulnerable to burnout.

This susceptibility significantly intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic due to factors such as overwhelming patient volumes, heightened risk of infection for themselves and their families, and other stress-inducing circumstances, impacting their health and well-being. Additionally, staffing shortages have exacerbated this issue. A 2022 survey highlighted that 83% of healthcare professionals reported feelings of burnout, mental exhaustion, or emotional drainage attributed to these shortages during the pandemic.

Elite (bigger teams 50+)

  • Generally our EAP runs over a 12 month contract.

    However, we create check-in points over your contract whereby we can adjust to the business needs, scale up, down, or use pro-rata retainer payments for something else, like staff training.

  • For bustling small but big businesses, our retainer is around $650 per month.

Enhance (smaller teams 25-50)

  • Generally our EAP runs over a 12 month contract.

    However, we create check-in points over your contract whereby we can adjust to the business needs, scale up, down, or use pro-rata retainer payments for something else, like staff training.

  • For growing businesses, our retainer is around $450 per month.

Essential (small team 5-25)

  • Generally our EAP runs over a 12 month contract.

    However, we create check-in points over your contract whereby we can adjust to the business needs, scale up, down, or use pro-rata retainer payments for something else, like staff training.

  • For small teams, our retainer is around $250 per month.

Why Choose Us:

SJP Wellbeing is authentic, effective support and our commitment to the humanitarian aspects of business operations. Our innovative EAP services and educational offerings are designed to nurture a thriving, resilient workforce, committed to both personal and professional growth.

Our distinct advantage lies in our approach to wellbeing and employee care. We engage on a profoundly personal level, transforming each service into an opportunity for significant and lasting impact. Our clients appreciate the visible enhancements in their work environment and our proactive efforts in fostering a culture of support and mutual respect.

We offer more than counselling through tough times. We understand the needs of small to medium businesses and our packages are designed to be used, either for individual support, self-help, education for your team, or other things we can find together as ways to proactively engage the wellbeing of your people.

Your Future with SJP Wellbeing:

Join us in building a future where every employee feels valued, supported, and connected. Explore how SJP Wellbeing’s EAP can revolutionize your business, contributing to greater overall success and fulfillment within your team.

Supporting Broader Access to

Mental Health Services:

Feel good that contributions from every EAP retainer feed directly into the SJP Wellbeing Therapy Fund—a straightforward, transparent initiative to assist those facing financial hurdles in accessing therapy. This partnership enables us to offer subsidised or free therapy sessions, profoundly impacting the broader community and reinforcing the humanitarian values at the core of our mission.

Need something else?

Get in touch to discuss, we’d love to help!