Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with NDIS funding?

Yes, if you are plan, or self-managed SJP Wellbeing can provide therapeutic support, depending on the plan goals. If counselling, or ‘other’ therapy is included (usually in relationships, or capacity building) we can help.

Can parent/carers use a child’s NDIS funding?

Yes, if the plan includes therapeutic support and is plan or self-managed parents/carers can utilise NDIS funding.

Can I use my mental health care plan (Medicare) from the GP?

We do not accept MHCP’s. Many people believe that getting a MHCP is just what you do, and the best thing to do. However, MHCP’s utilise Medicare as a rebate, which means that the therapeutic models used in therapy must meet the clinical MEDICAL model and counselling, psychotherapy, and coaching do not qualify for Medicare because they do not fit inside the medical model of care aimed at short-term interventions for clinical diagnosis.

Counselling and psychotherapeutic models do not hold the view that there is something wrong with you. Instead, we help you with what has happened to you and help you to make the changes necessary to find and engage all that is right with you.

There are limitations to psycho-therapeutic supports allowed within Medicare. Medicare is helpful for some, and for others having access to a broader scope of therapies is what they need.

Instead, we have a reduced fee pathway for anyone who needs it, via an easy online application, and our fees are likely to be below the standard gap payment for a psychologist.

It is important to note that in cases where a GP has referred to a psychologist, there may be a reason for this, such as a clinical diagnosis required. Please get in touch to discuss the guidelines for utilising the Reduced Fee Pathway. See RFP Information - PDF

Do I need a Dr’s referral?

No, you do not need a referral from a Dr to engage a counsellor, coach, or psychotherapist. However, many clients are referred, and it is welcome.

Do you work with children?

Sometimes. Typically we work with young people (10-25) and adults, however, there are instances whereby children younger than that can benefit from our integrative style of counselling. In many cases, there is more than one person in the family who will benefit from being in therapy. Often our work will be with a parent and we will collaborate with a partner agency that can cater better to a young child’s needs. Such as play, or expressive therapies, we are committed to providing a wrap-around service and providing families with appropriate experts in their diverse needs.

How do I get started?

Click on the ‘Get-Started’ button (top right) or here and either jump onto our booking system to book a 15-minute, free ‘discovery call’ with one of our therapists, or, fill in the secure referral/waitlist form. This form gives our admin team enough info about you and your needs and creates a client file in our system allowing them to book you in for an initial assessment with the best therapist for you, at a time that you agree to.

I can’t afford therapy but I really feel like you can help me, is there a way I can get started?

We will try. We have 3 options to help clients and families get the help they deserve when finances are a barrier. the first is our 10-session reduced fee pathway as discussed above, and the second is a flexible payment plan option, which allows for 10 or 20 sessions to be paid for over a longer period of time making the weekly or fortnightly amount less, the third is our new ‘Therapy Fund’ whereby we collect monthly sponsorship donations from the generous public and businesses to help people in need to access therapy when they need it most, for this you will need to contact us and meet the criteria. You can find out more and learn how to apply here.