You deserve to get holistic, individualised care.

Integrated mental health and wellbeing.

The SJP Wellbeing team consists of experienced degree-qualified therapists and educators dedicated to providing top-quality mental health care. We offer a range of services including therapeutic counselling, psychotherapy, coaching, positive parenting, mental health education, and Employee Assistance Programs for workplaces.

Our holistic approach ensures we meet the diverse needs of individuals and families. Services are available both online and in person.

Read the team bio’s

An integrated approach

At SJP Wellbeing, we understand that everyone's journey toward well-being is unique. We are dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming space where you can openly explore your personal concerns and goals. Our approach integrates various evidence-based practices, tailored specifically to meet your needs.

We incorporate talk therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, emotion-focused and somatic therapies, and more, to craft personalised therapy plans focussing on your unique strengths and challenges. We emphasise neurodivergent-affirming practices and LGBTQIA+ affirming care, ensuring an inclusive and respectful environment for all clients.

Understanding that mental health is shaped by social, cultural, and environmental factors, we prioritise creating a culturally sensitive and inclusive atmosphere. This ensures that we honor and respect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of everyone, helping you to achieve your wellness goals in a supportive setting.

SJP Wellbeing believes that every individual has the capacity for growth and change. We are committed to supporting our clients in achieving their goals and enhancing their quality of life. If you are seeking compassionate, integrative counselling and well-being services that honor your unique journey, please reach out to us. We are here to help you navigate your path to wellness with respect and care.

Session types


Counselling can be used as a once-off, a safe and therapeutic space to unpack some of life’s issues that can become confusing or harder to carry. Psychotherapy is generally longer-term, sessions are weekly or bi-weekly.

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Coaching sessions

Online or in-person, coaching is aimed at ‘evoking awareness’. It might be well-being goals or life goals and you have an understanding of what you want to change, but something is getting in your way.
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Parent Coaching


Mental Health First Aid

Upcoming Standard Mental Health First Aid -Refresher

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Online or in-person, this session is designed for parent involvement if a young person is in therapy, or you are looking for parenting support.

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Online or in-person, Mental Health First Aid is an accredited training that provides the participants with the skills to have a mental health conversation with someone experiencing the onset of mental illness or the worsening of a mental health problem.

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