Refresher Courses

Training for current and Accredited MHFAiders to stay up to date

with mental health first aid knowledge, skills, and information.


Courses have been independently and academically peer-reviewed through studies.


Proven efficacy and impact in improving knowledge, stigma and helping behaviours.


Informed by people with lived experience, caregivers and mental health professionals.

Course participants learn about the latest research in the mental health field, work through complex mental health first aid interactions, and practice their mental health first aid skills across a range of mental health problems and mental health crisis situations.

Participants can complete a short assessment at the end of a course to extend your Mental Health First Aid Accreditation for a further 3 years.

Standard MHFA Refresher

The course can be delivered in 1 of 2 ways:

Face-to-face: 1 x 4-hour session
Online: 1 x 5-hour videoconferencing session

Current and Accredited Standard, Older Person, Tertiary and Industry Specific MHFAiders are eligible to attend.

Upcoming refresher trainings:

Want workplace training?

Please get in touch with us about how we can assist your workplace with mental health or wellbeing training like this one.