Purposefully Parenting - Pre-teens

A workshop to help parents build strong, healthy relationships with their children and teenagers. It provides participants with tools and strategies based on the latest evidence and research. 

Exploring ‘normal’ preteen behaviours as well as red flags to look out for that may indicate further support is needed. Considering the development of a preteen brain and the associated psychology, parents, carers, and guardians will explore communication principles and tools to enable positive engagement with their child resulting in stronger relationships. Having strong supportive relationships is a known factor to help reduce the likelihood of common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Workshop Overview

  • Stages of development

  • Meeting attachment needs - healthy attachment

  • Communication - open questions, transactional versus relational conversations

  • Understanding the mental health continuum

  • GRIT - what is it, how to instill it.

Parents come away with a better/renewed appreciation for where their preteen is in life developmentally. Understanding that preteen behaviour is not always personal but it is always communication. Increased awareness of mental health red flags and when to seek more support.

Identify various modes of communication that could be used to achieve better outcomes.

Parenting workshops are typically delivered as a 3 part series with the option to build on Q&A sessions for parents.

Other positive parenting workshops include ‘Pre-teen Online’ and youth focussed workshops including ‘Well (You)th’ and ‘Thrive Program’

Of all the speakers at Healthy Kids Expo, what you shared has stuck with me and made an impact. I hadn’t thought I would take away something for me from the expo – I was there for my daughter. I found myself responding to you out loud, answering your questions, and realizing, I hadn’t stopped being a Mum to focus on myself and I was suffering for it. I now look forward to reading your advice and insights, it’s helped me so much and it’s almost as good as hearing you speak!
— Rachael Balmsworth

Contact us.

Discuss creating a positive parenting workshop to suit your group.

Or get in touch about 1:1 coaching.